Usually after working out with weights or running for a long time you begin to establish aches and pains you did not have before. Face it, you're getting older and you just can't do the same things you did when you were a little kid. But that doesn't mean it's a lost cause. There are a number of simple things you can do to help ease some of these painful nuisances.
Stretch after a warm up exercise or after your routine. Many people often believe you are supposed to stretch before you begin your workout. This can't be farther from the truth. When you stretch your muscles you are slightly tearing them so that new muscle can grow slowly increasing the flexibility of the muscle. But, if doing this when your muscles are cold you could be doing more damage than good. So stretch after doing a simple warm up exercise like walking or jumping. I do my stretching after my entire workout. Doing this will also reduce risk of injury while working out. To prove that I know this works I will tell you this. I have not had any sore muscles after a long hard workout or the days after.
Drink a lot of water. Keep your body hydrated at all times. Water is part of the lubrication that keeps your body parts running smoothly. Don't drink too much at one time, but a little bit throughout your workout.
Do not stress parts already in pain. Pain, especially sharp pains, is your body telling you that you need to stop what you're doing. If your knee starts to hurt, back aches, or ankles are sore, then focus on different exercises that don't use that part of the body. Do this until that part has fully recovered and you are able to use it in a normal manner without feeling any pain. Do not think that popping some Advil will do the trick. Let your body heal. Also if your body is not healing quickly then immediately go see a doctor to make sure something else isn't wrong.
Let your body recuperate. If you are doing some weight lifting to tone muscles then wait at least a good 48 hours before doing the same routine. Your body needs time to heal after workouts. If you don't want to wait a whole day then set up two different types of routines that work different groups of muscles and alternate them. Or at least do a lighter routine.
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