Weight Loss Goal

Starting Weight: 250 lbs (3/11/09)
Current Weight: 231 lbs (4/21/09, 19 lbs lost)
Goal Weight: 185 lbs (46 lbs to go)
Estimated BMI: 34.11
Goal BMI: < 25

Friday, April 3, 2009

What Is Rest?

Well I had planned on resting today to let my body recuperate after three longs weeks of straight workouts. But, my dad came into town today and we ate at the Cracker Barrel for breakfast. I knew I should have had something light, but for some reason I was in the breakfast eating mood. Most of it was good, but I was feeling something awful afterward due to the two biscuits and high amount of fat I had with the meal. 1,110 calories later I decided to run anyways!

Also I did finally pick a protein/calorie supplement. Later today I'm going to GNC and pick up their 3-pack sale of 1 lb containers of Muscle Milk protein mix. I tried the ready-to-drink (RTD) 17 oz containers to try them out and they did not taste as bad as I expected. Plus I will get around 300-350 calories per serving! I'm supposed to have one pre-workout, post-workout, and just before going to bed. I should have enough for a 15 day supply, so I'll keep everyone posted on if it makes a difference or not.

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